


Indonesian National Standard

SNI stands for “Standard Nasional Indonesia,” which translates to Indonesian National Standard. It is a set of technical regulations and specifications established by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) to ensure product quality, safety, and conformity to national standards. SNI covers a wide range of products and services, including industrial goods, consumer products, food and beverages, and construction materials. Compliance with SNI is mandatory for both domestically produced and imported goods, aiming to protect consumers, promote fair trade practices, and enhance overall quality and safety standards in the Indonesian market. Manufacturers and importers must undergo testing and certification processes to obtain SNI certification, demonstrating that their products meet the required specifications before they can be distributed and sold in Indonesia. SNI plays a crucial role in fostering consumer confidence, supporting economic development, and harmonizing Indonesia’s standards with international norms where applicable.

SNI are also divided into 2, namely mandatory SNI and voluntary SNI. GSA are experienced in many types of products and audit across countries  from diverse industries, we also have a good relationship with certification body which can help you effortlessly find which CB can issue SNI certificates for your products. Our professional team will help you from:

document preparation – audit preparation – audit escort – Closing the findings – to NPB registration.